Lea Staudigl

Hannah Fadinger

Mag Hannah Fadinger

  • Corporate and M&A
  • Banking & Finance
  • Real Estate
  • Italian Desk
  • Insolvency & Restructuring
  • German
  • English
  • Italian


01/2024 admitted to the bar
since 02/2020 Associate with Kunz Wallentin
2019-2020 Associate
2018-2019 Court practice in the OLG district of Vienna
07-12/2017 Internship in a renowned law firm
02-06/2017 Legal assistant in the data protection office of UniCredit Bank Austria AG
05-11/2016 Legal assistant at Kunz Wallentin
2015-2019 Study of Romance languages and literature at the University of Vienna
2013-2018 Law studies at the University of Vienna


Fit for life

Skiing, Tennis, Soccer